
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
What to Expect: Guided Introduction Experience

Soon you will begin the Guided Introduction Experience. The experience covers setting yourself and your team up for success! It lasts about a month, depending on your schedule, and covers four fundamental concepts.

Chapter 1: Unlocking Motivation
Chapter 2: Personal Growth
Chapter 3: Team Alignment
Chapter 4: Team Communication

I’m Busy How Does this work?

We will ask you to think deeply, and we may even take you outside of your comfort zone–but we’ll keep each interaction under 10 minutes. Also each email interaction gives you options. You can choose to immediately put concepts into action, be nudged later, or read an optional Article of the Day to reinforce a concept.

How are you going to contact me?

If you provided your number, we will occasionally send SMS messages from (415-980-8326) with clickable links. So feel free to add our number, or if you prefer email let us know at support@teamsmith.co!

Also we would would love to know more about how you would like to be contacted.

Scheduling and Calendaring

We believe the best way to stay on track is to make space on your calendar. You will see links for Schedule Later, and these are great ways make time later. We currently support many different Calendar solutions, and are building a robust companion to called the Nudge Dashboard to help you with scheduling key activities.

“You will never find time to do anything, you must make it.”


We're still in Beta!

If you find anything not working like you’d expect, or have any feedback about how we can improve, please send it to john@teamsmith.co. I’d love to hear your thoughts, good or bad!

How do I find the emails you sent me?

All the emails will come from coaches@teamsmith.co. If you search your emails for that sender, you should be able to find them. Also the MY LEADERSHIP JOURNAL page will show all the content and links we’ve sent in one handy location.



If you want to cancel your subscription for any time or any reason, please reach out to support@teamsmith.co and we’ll take of that for you immediately, no questions asked.

Any other questions?

EMAIL support@teamsmith.co TO GET YOUR ANSWERS

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